
Showing posts from May, 2020

Nutrition in the time of COVID19

“What’s the matter, Annie?” “I can’t stop wondering what’s going to happen next with the pandemic and the coronavirus.  I have this constant feeling of dread.” “I noticed you haven’t been sleeping very well.  I think you may be experiencing anxiety, which is normal, considering the times. We can contact a therapist if it persists, but first, let’s increase our yoga sessions, go for more walks, and take a look at our diet. Some foods are calming.  What we have to do is make sure you’re getting adequate amounts and from the right sources.  I’m going to make a meal plan that includes foods that will help, give me about an hour.” “Thanks, babes.” Later, LJ showed Annie 7-day healthy food  to eat plan . “Ok, I came across some interesting information. It appears that chronic stress is a significant contributor to anxiety and depression. It causes the body to release cortisol, a stress hormone, which left unchecked leads to high blood pressure, a weakened immune system